What is it Hypospadias ?

Autore: Prof. A. Natali

Topic: Sexual sphere andrology

Congenital malformation in which the meatus of the urethra does not reach the apex of the penis, but anywhere on the lower face of the penis between the glans and the scrotum

By the SIA (Italian Society of Andrology)


Congenital malformation in which the meatus of the urethra does not reach the apex of the penis, but anywhere on the lower face of the penis between the glans and the scrotum. More the meatus of the urethra is placed towards the scrotum, the more the penis is curved. The foreskin is not complete, the lower slope is missing.

Hypospadias have a frequency of 1 to 8 children in 1000.



The child is absolutely asymptomatic. This malformation does not affect the general health of the child and does not cause problems for the leakage of urine, except to determine an abnormal direction of the urinary stream and, in adulthood, of the sperm.



Hypospadias is the result of defective development of the urethra during fetal life. The causes of this training anomaly are not known.


Exams to be carried out

The diagnosis is evident from birth. A specialist visit by the urologist allows to confirm the presence of this anomaly and to define the site of the urethral meatus, which can be at the level of the glans, the upper penis, the average penis or, more rarely, at the base of the penis or scrotum. By observing the erection penis it is also possible to establish whether it is curved or not. In general, no other urological malformations are associated with hypospadias, so in most cases no further examination is required.


Treatment and results

The treatment is surgery and involves the hospitalization of the patient. The recommended age is between 6 months and 1 year. The aim of the intervention is to reconstruct the missing urethra, to correct the eventual curvature of the penis and to rebuild or remove the foreskin. The most frequent postoperative complication is given by the appearance of a urethra-cutaneous fistula. The possibility of a fistula appearing is greater the longer the length of urethra to be rebuilt. It is possible that a urethra-cutaneous fistula resolves spontaneously in approximately 6 months, otherwise it will be necessary reinteracting surgically




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