
The presence of blood in the urine is called hematuria and should always be evaluated with great care, particularly when the / the patient sees with his own eyes the red or pink urine ( hematuria ) . In contrast, the urine may be colored, but always normal urinalysis can detect traces of blood ( hematuria ) . You should always consult your doctor in the presence of hematuria . The most common causes include urinary stones , infections as well as tumors . Usually if the blood is observed at the beginning of urination ( initial hematuria ), the source of haematuria is the prostate , if the blood looks more ' at the end of urination ( terminal hematuria ), the hematuria has more ' frequently a source bladder while if your urine is red from the beginning to the end of urination you think of a high origin of hematuria , ie, ureteral or renal impairment. Typically, the patient reports that hematuria is studied with laboratory tests, urine cytology , urinary tract ultrasonography and flexible cystoscopy.
You should always exclude the presence of a tumor of the urinary tract .

The presence of blood in the semen, called hemospermia, it is almost always indicative of an inflammation of the prostate (prostatitis). Typically presents young man, but it can also occur after age 50. It is a symptom that you should always discuss with your doctor. The classical antibiotic therapy, usually with quinolone drugs that must be administered at full dose and for at least 3 weeks. The hemospermia may recur over time and in these cases it may be useful to deepen the study of patients with prostatic transrectal ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging may be performed with endorectal coil.

The PSA (prostate specific antigen) is the main marker of prostate function. It is now believed that every man from the age of 40 must carry out the PSA test once a year. Normality is typically dependent on age of the subject under age 50 is considered a normal PSA less than 1 ng / ml. Between 50 and 60 years is considered a normal PSA less than 2 ng / ml and after 60 years, a PSA less than 3 ng / ml.
The PSA may rise beyond these limits for a prostate inflammation (prostatitis), a benign enlargement (prostatic hypertrophy or prostate adenoma) or to a tumor.
If there is even the slightest suspicion of prostate cancer is necessary to perform prostate biopsy exam today completely painless and is practiced in outpatient settings.

Patients with a positive family history should be followed carefully and in accordance with any international guideline should do a PSA and a urological examination with digital rectal examination every year from the age of 40. The subjects without familiarity with elevated PSA but are by definition at risk. Today we can also help the implementation of a new PCA3 test that is performed in the patient's urine after prostatic massage. The exam is looking for a particular gene associated with prostate cancer. Today, it is shown that this examination will serve in particular in patients with suspected prostate cancer have already done one or more biopsies, however, are found to be normal. If the patient continues to show elements suspected for the presence of tumor, before performing a biopsy may still be useful to the determination of PCA3. If this proves completely normal, the urologist may suggest a postponement of the biopsies.

Prostate biopsy is to perform a series of microprelievi of tissue from the prostate itself to exclude the presence of a tumor. It always runs under transrectal ultrasound guidance and with the use of local anesthesia which makes the procedure painless.
It is important to run at least 16 prostate samples to be certain of getting a "mapping" of the entire prostate. The number of samples is also dependent on prostate volume: the larger the prostate increased the number of withdrawals. It is important to that antibiotic prophylaxis is continued for about a week. The procedure is almost always performed on an outpatient basis with certain exceptions such as for patients who use anti-coagulant therapy and for those who need to perform a biopsy under anesthesia. In these latter cases, patients may be hospitalized in scheme DH

No. If you do not experience these complications Special types of interventions should not be to directly interfere with sexual function. The only complication is very common retrograde ejaculation, that despite having a normal erection and a normal orgasmic sensation you will not see more sperm come out on the outside, because it will go into the bladder, but this does not create any problem to the overall health

No. There may be of non-bacterial prostatitis, which are not always easy to identify, often caused by an incorrect lifestyle.

No. A regular sexual activity does not interfere with the disease and with the care of the same. There will only be put in quotation some ejaculatory disorders which may be earlier than normal, painful or bothersome.

The class of alpha-lytic is an excellent treatment option for BPH, however, can give some individuals retrograde ejaculation, this phenomenon is completely reversible and has no impact from the clinical point of view.

Is not there any kind of risk. The only contraindications to the use of these drugs are situations where you have recently had a heart attack, and the cardiologist recommended physical activity, or the use of drugs for the heart, of the class of nitro compounds.